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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Nose and nose gear - part 11

Nose floor (6.5 hrs)

In the heat of the moment I forgot that I had enlarged the fuselage, and neglected to enlarge the nose bulkheads... Doh!

I considered increasing the size of the bulkheads, and even remaking them, but after working out the lines over the plans, I realized that the changes to the nose shape were very minimal. Hopefully it will still look svelte.

Because of this, I enlarged only the rear portion of the floor piece... 

Modified floor plan dimensions

Duplicating the floor

... then went to work carving the front depression.

Deciding on a cut line

There's nothing subtle about this!

Making the depression symmetric

After mixing up some micro, I attached the foam floor pieces to the nose frame.

Getting ready to glue the foam to the fuselage

Duct tape and wood holding the foam in place while the micro cures

In order to provide a clearer surface for bonding, I elected to remove the bottom NG-8 bolt.

Depression clears the lower NG-8 bolt

I turned a couple of old bolts down to a point on the lathe, this will help spread out the glass weave as it is being laid over the hole, and prevent epoxy from filling it. 

Yes, I did poke myself on accident. More than once.

I did the same for the actuator bracket's bottom bolt.

More blood drawing spikes

A piece of paper served as a pattern for cutting the fiberglass.

Paper template

The foam was prepped with micro-slurry, and a fillet of dry micro softened all corners.

Micro-slurry closing the foam pores

Micro fillet

Then it was glassing time.

Fiberglass connecting the floor to NG-30, the front bulkhead, and the fuselage.

Layup complete

Peel-ply added

The next morning I ripped the peel-ply, and sanded the rough edges. 

Nose floor... ✔

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